Design lead overseeing a team of UX, UI designers and illustrators.
Create a student focused platform to promote collaboration and growth. Looking for Group is a platform developed to create new resources for students to discover project opportunities that span across various majors or skill sets.
Create a student focused platform to promote collaboration and growth through project creation. Looking for group is designed for every major, every student, every skill level and prompts its users to start or search for projects that matches their skillset, generating new opportunities to create.
Design lead overseeing a team of UX, UI designers and illustrators.
User Flow and Process
Research and Branding
Login and Discover
Projects and Profiles
A projects page presents a select presentation of information including project details, members, open positions, gallery, and the public forum. This provides key information for any involved members as well users seeking to join without confusing interfaces or overly written page interactions. It also provides a cleaner experience on both ends, as the page is relatively indifferent regardless of user involvement on any given project.
Looking for more?
Fortunately, while great products have even greater productions, this one has a bit more before it launches. It is continuing production and hopes to release this upcoming spring. Until then, come back for updates.